Intentional Classrooms Inspire Gladness

Intentional Classrooms Inspire Gladness
Head of School Blog

From the Desk of Mary Keever

I hope you have experienced some gladness in your day. I certainly have experienced gladness in my educational journey through the years and recently during my current adventures into the classrooms at WCDS.

Third grade is traditionally a challenging year in any school. The curriculum includes such sophisticated concepts as cursive writing, multiplication and division, human geography and science galore. As a student myself, I had experienced an undeniably powerful connection with my second grade teacher, Mrs. Holloway. I could not imagine finding my new teacher to be as loving, warm, and encouraging, but I was pleasantly surprised to meet Ms. Patricia Risher, a kind, loving woman who was always impeccably dressed with fresh makeup and painted nails. She was firm with discipline and generous with hugs.

Our Wildcat third grade faculty members are lifelong learners and talented educators who are intentional about the ways they welcome students into their classrooms.

Miss Nancy Martin's third grade class

Miss Nancy Martin’s classroom is always the first ready every August, as she painstakingly and lovingly creates an environment that is warm and inviting. Her walls are adorned with encouraging messages. While instructing students, if they are finding the concept difficult, she scaffolds beautifully to lead them to clarity. She asks thought-provoking questions such as, “How would you change the chapter?” She attends numerous Wildcat events to support students past and present. 

Miss Christiana Conrad '09 is a Wildcat alumna who loves all things Westchester. She guides students with a caring demeanor and fosters independence and autonomy. She is a calm but powerful force. A sign in her room reads “Today Is a Great Day Because You Are Here,” and she makes every student feel that about themselves. She co-chairs the faculty Better Together team to encourage collaboration and connection between colleagues. 

Mrs. Tracy Gill is a legend! She knows every student by name and can anticipate her lead teachers’ thoughts and requests before they themselves know. She is energetic and fun, and she loves to laugh (and encourages others to laugh easily). She is a pillar in the Lower School who assists three different grade levels with ease and maybe a little sass!

I look forward to sharing my memories of all my teachers in this blog, as well as highlighting some of the gladness displayed by our Wildcat Nation teachers.

Mary Keever

Mary Keever
Interim Head of School

Follow @WCDS_Head


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